Having worked as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and medical herbalist for 15 years, with a prior background in community development and the allied health professions, I've worked therapeutically with people for more than 20 years. As founder and manager of an integrative health centre, facilitating practitioners from the medical, holistic and therapeutic fields to work alongside each other, I have always valued a wholistic mind-body approach to health and wellbeing. Overall I have directly supported hundreds of clients and practitioners across professions, while facilitating the work of many more through the provision of services and supports for a wide range of practitioners.
What I have learned on my own journey as a practitioner and through supporting others across professions over the years is that practitioner-care is key to both client experience and practitioner resilience and wellbeing. I have also come to see that this also applies to the private sector when it comes to employee support and wellbeing translating to increased productivity and revenue, but not a the expense of the staff. 
  • You may be someone whom has been doing the work for many years and has survived the cycles of ups and downs that comes with it, having developed a solid strategy of self-care as a practitioner, from a place of necessity rather than choice.
  • Or maybe you are in your early years of the work and although you still have the enthusiasm and excitement of building your practice, your beginning to understand that there is more to self-care as a practitioner than scented candles and bubble baths!
  • And for those of you in leadership, who are entrusted with the management, care and support of employees in the workplace, your own self-awareness and self-care sets a precedent for those below you. You are in a unique position of power, to empower others through building a strong organisational culture that values and supports employees mental health and wellbeing. 


Building a solid foundation of practitioner-care and wholistic employee wellbeing from the beginning is one of the most valuable things you can do to ensure that clients & customers  are getting the best service possible while sustaining your own resilience and that of your employees.



I’m Caroline Nolan and I’m a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and practitioner-care specialist. I support practitioners in the therapeutic, holistic and allied health professions alongside leaders in organisations and industry, to provide the highest level of best practice for clients, staff and customers while remaining resourced and resilient within themselves. Through clinical supervision, workplace wellbeing and practitioner care supports, I facilitate practitioners , leaders and employees to prioritize their self-care and wellbeing, so they can provide their services and supports to clients and customers without sacrificing the own wellbeing or burning out.

Some of my CORE VALUES that inform my business and work with people.


INTEGRITY + INCLUSIVITY: I value my integrity and that of others therefore I hold this bar quite high for myself, my clients and the organisations whom I work with.  I really do my best to live and let live. And I do not always get it right. I acknowledge my bias both conscious and unconscious and am open and willing to engage the ongoing journey of uncovering and adjusting accordingly.

COMPASSION + ACCOUNTABILITY: I believe a compassionate stance is most useful when it comes to working with people. To view our relational interactions through a trauma-informed lens not only creates space for productive outcomes, it also upholds the essential premises of "Do no Harm". In order for a compassionate stance to also be a robust and sustainable one, we must equally value accountability in both ourselves and our work environments.

AUTONOMY + EMPOWERMENT: I believe in interdependence while working with people. One of the cornerstones of my work is to support and encourage the autonomy of the individual, their own unique wisdom and capacity to create their own progression path. We can only accompany people are far as we have travelled ourselves. Empowerment is about supporting people on a journey to remember and stand in their power. When we work from an empowered place we model this for our clients in their own lives. 

ACCESSIBILITY + SUSTAINABILITY:  I believe in creating equal opportunity and accessibility to support services and quality service provision for all. In order to create sustainable workplaces and practices, practitioners, service providers and employees wholistic wellbeing and continued personal and professional development must be front and centre. This creates sustainable practices and resourced people.

CREATIVITY + INNOVATION: I value right brain thinking, novel ideas and openness to trying new ways. I believe innovation is creativity in action and we need more of this to support the challenges we face in the world.

Last but not least, I'm a member of the following professional governing bodies:

  • Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (IACP)
  • The Irish Association of Master Medical Herbalists (MIAMMH)
  • Supervisiors Association of Ireland (SAI)



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