When we work with people in a supportive role, be it through the therapeutic modalities, allied & alternative health professions or in a coaching or mentoring capacity, the most important resource we have is ourselves.  All the tools, techniques , modalities and knowledge we use is nothing without a resourced and resilient practitioner behind it . You are the golden goose!

We all know the importance of self-care, but when we work as practitioners with people, this must be brought to a whole new level. It must become front and central to our practice as the energetic exchange and exposure that happens within our system when working with people in these capacities, leaves us at higher risk of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout. Self-care is not just scented candles and bubble bath! And a robust practitioner-care plan must that a wholistic and multi-level approach. 

With this in mind, I’ve created the practitioner-care collective in response to...

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