Harnessing the Energy of Springtime

Finally feels like Spring is here!! After what for many was another tough winter, seeing that stretch in the evenings, even if it's still cold is so heartening. Over the many years I worked in the world of natural healing and plant medicine, Springtime was the green light to GO. Coming out of sedentary winter, with heavier foods, less light and exercise, the natural tendency to throw open the windows and blow away the cobwebs is strong, as Spring is a time for cleansing, clearing and rejuvenating. 

My understanding of the philosophy of Natural Healing as always influenced my therapeutic work with clients and supervisees. Aligning with the natural flow is something that I teach people as a tool to resources and replenish themselves in the face of our daily challenges in life and the workplace. Nature is not only outside of us, it's also inside of us and given the correct environment and understanding, we can allow our systems to come back to a place of balance naturally. 

So what are the opportunities of Spring that we can sync with and harness to enhance our personal and professional wellbeing?? 

  • Spring is a time when the natural energy supports the cleansing and clearing of heavier debris both physiological and psychological from the system: When working with people, we can pick up energetic debris. There are many way to shift this but over the wintertime, many natural ways that this moves are reduced, such as exercise, fresh air, time in nature, exposure to light. Having the awareness gives us a chance to not only consciously clear our own sludge that may have built up over the winter but also what we may be carrying as extra as a result of working directly with clients. / In parallel, we can be aware of clients process around seasonal change and how the natural shift may be affecting them and how with awareness, this shift of season could be a support to them.


  • Springtime is the season of new beginnings. It is the beginning of a cycle of creation, growth and transformation that will eventually bear fruit. The sap is rising in the plant kingdom and a parallel process is happening in humans, if we choose to engage and harness this energy. What seeds do you wish to plant for you practice/ business/ work life? What would you like to achieve, what would you like to be harvesting at the end of this next cycle? Is there a training your interested in, would you like to expand your work, would you like to reduce your work, would you like to invest more in yourself and your own personal development? Now is the time to begin this process. Without planting seeds nothings grows. / Your clients may also benefit from an awareness of the available energy at this time of year to plant their own seeds.


  • Springtime is the time of the abundant Mother energy and the nurturing and nourishing that comes with this. The birds building nests, the baby lambs, new green shoots springing from the earth. As practitioners working with clients, our own nourishment and self-nurture is key to a healthy balanced practitioner who provides best practice and service for clients. Use this time of year to replenish, nourish and nurture yourself both physically and energetically. This builds a strong foundation for the year to come and goes a long way towards regulation of the nervous system in the face of demanding therapeutic work.

When we begin to work with the natural flow both insides and in the environment around us, life becomes easier and more effortless with less wasted energy. A simple way to streamline self-care!


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