Practitioners have mental health to mind too!

With World Mental Health day on 10th October, it is a great opportunity to highlight this focus and work towards reduction of stigma still attached to the area of mental health struggles. As a professional who has worked in a variety of capacities it people whom have struggled with mental health issues for over 20 years, I welcome these opportunities and as a practitioner who has felt the pressure on my own mental health while working on the front line, I take the opportunity to highlight the need to support those who through their professions are supporting others.
This is a conversation I engaged in just a few weeks ago, the pressure to be the perfect professional when working as a practitioner with a client base. This conversation resonated with so many people I connect with. The projections of clients onto their practitioners and also our own insecurities and fears that can arise can create the perfect storm whereby practitioners find their own mental health impacted.
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