Practitioners have mental health to mind too!

With World Mental Health day on 10th October, it is a great opportunity to highlight this focus and work towards reduction of stigma still attached to the area of mental health struggles. As a professional who has worked in a variety of capacities it people whom have struggled with mental health issues for over 20 years, I welcome these opportunities and as a practitioner who has felt the pressure on my own mental health while working on the front line, I take the opportunity to highlight the need to support those who through their professions are supporting others.
This is a conversation I engaged in just a few weeks ago, the pressure to be the perfect professional when working as a practitioner with a client base. This conversation resonated with so many people I connect with. The projections of clients onto their practitioners and also our own insecurities and fears that can arise can create the perfect storm whereby practitioners find their own mental health impacted.
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This week I'm putting together a presentation for the Irish School of Herbal Medicines Graduation/CPD day as a guest speaker which will be later this month. The topic I'm teaching around is what has become known as Post Pandemic Stress Disorder , understanding how the last couple of years has impacted the mental and emotional wellbeing of people and what we can do from a natural mind-body perspective to support our systems in returning to a place of balance.
Although I'm trained clinically as a therapist, the natural healer in me finds the eagerness to create new labels for "disorders" that can be slapped on peoples symptoms , let’s just say a tad trying. The allopathic model love their disorders, labels and boxes to pop  us all into!! From a natural healing perspective these symptoms are not problems to be fixed but signals of imbalance to be understood at a deeper level and our body and psyches best attempt to come back to a place of homeostasis.
So how...
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The Mind-Body Connection - Diving Deeper

Did you know there is a whole branch of medicine dedicated to the study of the Mind-Body Connection? Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the interaction between the mind, the nervous system, and the immune system. The PNI paradigm consists of three major components: the psychological component, neurological component, and immunological component. It is a new approach to diseases which involves taking control of the disease by controlling stress and lessening it.
So science is catching up on what the natural healers and traditional wisdom keeper have known since time begun. The real relevance is that as science delves into this understanding and provides the kind of research that hasn't been available before, the understanding of the role and importance of the mind-body connection in health and wellbeing now has a mainstream platform and can reach people in ways that would have been seen as lunatic fringe in the very recent past.
Our mental and...
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Did you ever consider not to believe every thought that crosses your mind? For a lot of people, not only have they never considered this, but they have never really considered that there are choices to be made around our thought as they are powerful weapons that will work for us or against us, depending on how we program them.

 For many, our thinking is an automatic flow, much of which we are not even conscious of until we make a decision to shine a light on it. But even when it runs on auto pilot, whatever we have programmed in there will have a profound influence on our health, wellbeing and lives in general. And without a conscious decision to audit it and adjust as necessary, it will continue to run on automatic as we sleep at the wheel. And this is why I ask the question above, to prompt you to ask the question of yourself and to bring your attention to your mindset.


We often believe our thoughts to be truths. Many times they are not. They are just random passing...

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Having worked therapeutically with people for many years, I have become all too familiar with the “revolving door” syndrome that can occur with people who struggle with mental health issues, particularly when prescription medication becomes the only solution on offer.
People tend to go up and down, in and out of that door until it gets to a point where the door is closed, locked and barricaded resulting in a life sentence of pills and more importantly a sense of disempowerment where people become victims of a choiceless situation.
Did you know that its estimated that 1 in 5 Irish people are on anti-depressant medication?
That is 20% of the population and does no include sleeping medications and anti-anxiety medication such as Xanax & Valium. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an advocate of extremism in any form be it natural or pharmaceutical and there is most certainly a valid place for prescription medication. However, these statistics...
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Before having children, I loved my sleep. I loved my space. More on point would be to say, my nervous system loved my sleep and loved my space. That is before my nervous system came across the cheese grater experience of being a mother to a newborn. Lets just say, before long, some nourishing nervines and soothing sedative herbs were called for!


No matter how many books you read, ante-natal classes you take or experts you engage, nothing can really prepare you for the arrival of your little one. Yes its the most incredible journey and of course we wouldn't change it but wouldn't it be nice if we were a little more prepared and made aware of the real challange's we may face and what we could do to possibly support our systems, rather than just  trying to survive? 


I worked for a number of years providing therapeutic support to new mothers. I met hundreds of mothers over them years with childern ranging in age from new born to toodlers and beyond....

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“The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed… If you would perfect your body, guard your mind. Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought…. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet…Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease…”                                         

  Allen, J. – “As A Man Thinketh”

The mind-body paradigm is nothing new. It has been the basis through the ages for understanding human beings in all of the perennial wisdom traditions. However with the birthing of conventional medicine and its mechanistic thinking, there was a severing of this innate link and the understanding of the dynamic relationship...
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