Full Spectrum Reflective Practice

When we work with clients and patients, any reflective practice we do is often focused on the client work alone. While this is of course central, it is only one aspect of the ecosystem. In order to create a sustainable practice , we need to tend to all aspects to ensure best practice and outcomes for clients, practitioner wellbeing and professional progression.

Full -Spectrum Reflective Practice take a wholistic approach to practitioner care and tend to all aspects that impact our wellbeing, we have created a practice that tends to the practitioners, their clients, their practice as a whole and the dynamic relationship between these 3 pillars. Without attention  to all areas, we miss the opportunity for true reflection on what impacts up personally and professionally with our work and create blind spots and energy blocks that inhibit our pathway. 

In order to create a sustainable practice, we need to ensure that our own needs are met as well as our clients. When we work...

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Post-Pandemic Practitioner Fatigue

As we move into the next phase of the pandemic, the awareness of what’s been termed the "tsunami" of mental health challenges is expanding and finding a place. After 2 years of upheaval people are finding themselves in a place of relative "normality" but the cumulative impact of so many months of chaos, uncertainty, loss and anxiety is only now starting to show itself for many.
As a therapist I have supported people through this tumultuous time. Much of the work has been of a fire-fighting nature, responding to the unfolding challenges and tending to the reality of people in a state of shock from the loss of livelihood, loss of family members, loss of freedoms alongside the heightened state of alertness, anxiety and overwhelm.
As a clinical supervisor, I have supported therapists and practitioners with this pivot in focus for client work but also with the building sense of fatigue and burnout that has come for many in the caring professions and those offering...
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This week I'm putting together a presentation for the Irish School of Herbal Medicines Graduation/CPD day as a guest speaker which will be later this month. The topic I'm teaching around is what has become known as Post Pandemic Stress Disorder , understanding how the last couple of years has impacted the mental and emotional wellbeing of people and what we can do from a natural mind-body perspective to support our systems in returning to a place of balance.
Although I'm trained clinically as a therapist, the natural healer in me finds the eagerness to create new labels for "disorders" that can be slapped on peoples symptoms , let’s just say a tad trying. The allopathic model love their disorders, labels and boxes to pop  us all into!! From a natural healing perspective these symptoms are not problems to be fixed but signals of imbalance to be understood at a deeper level and our body and psyches best attempt to come back to a place of homeostasis.
So how...
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Resourced & Resilient using Plant Medicine & Psychological Principles

There is much talk of resilience these days. The resilience of the children, what sectors of the economy are resilient in the face of Covid-19 and of course the need for resilience in the face of the mental health challenges that our current situation presents. 
So what exactly is resilience, how do we cultivate it and what do we need to be watching out for when it comes to keeping ourselves well resourced in the face of challenging times? 
The dictionary definition of resilience is - 
“ the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.”
So we're talking about the ability to bounce back, shoulder the burden, carry on carrying on.  Some of us naturally have more of this than others. Each person is unique in their strengths and areas of vulnerability. However what we do all have in common is the oppurtunity to build on, strengthen and expand our resources at any given time...
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