Maternal Mental Health Week - When are we going to get real and truly support our mothers?

Did you know that this week the first week of May is Maternal Mental Health Week? Yes there is such a thing to help highlight the need support for mothers.

This is an area I'm passionate about, however I would expand the banner to Maternal Mental, Emotional and Energetic Health week! Having worked for a number of years as a therapist specialising in maternal mental and emotional wellbeing I got an insight into the reality that many mothers, with no prior "mental health" issues can really struggle with the transition to motherhood internally, while desperately trying to keep up appearances on the outside.

And as a mother of 3 young children at the time, I could totally relate.

I had similar train of thought that came crashing in and around until I managed to get a handle on them and chuck them out again.

What was really eye opening to me was that many mothers who sough my support were concerned about the possibility of Post Natal Depression, some already diagnosed and on medication,...

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Working in the sphere of natural health for many years, I'm a firm believer in the power we have as people to support our wellbeing in Natural ways. Of course as a herbalist, plant medicine is one of the primary pathways I use and promote.

Did you know that approximately 80% of the worlds population rely on plant medicine as their primary form of healthcare?

It's quite an incredible realisation when we consider that the awareness in the general population about the role that plants can play in health is so limited. In our dualistic, mechanistic society there is often a black and white approach taken. It's either/or, this or that, one or the other.

Within the mainstream population, herbal medicine is often considered as an alternative, new-age, tree hugging pursuit that has little opportunity to be integrated into life for the regular Joe. Most people would never consider that plant medicine can play a powerful role in their health and wellbeing.

The truth is that plant medicine when...

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natural health wellbeing Apr 20, 2021

We are living in a time where the awareness of the benefits of natural health approaches are moving from the realm of fringe lunatic to the mainstream population. The days where herbs are relegated to the realms of hippies are gone. Much scientific data, confirms what has been known for eons by traditional plant practitioners. The awareness of "We are what we eat" has rippled across the world making a glossy, well-marketed comeback from the days of Hippocrates to the modern Cosomopolitan magazine readers. And the reality of the challenges that using pharmaceutical medications can pose in relation to side-effects and limited effectiveness has encouraged more and more people to start looking for alternatives or at least complementary methods to support their natural health and wellbeing in a more natural way.

There are as many ways to support our health naturally as there are rivers to the sea. These pathways can range from food, herbs, supplements, cleansing regimes, talk therapy,...

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Who was to know that the Common Daisy, Bellis perennis is such an over-looked medicinal gem growing prolifically all around us. Who doesn’t love daisies?? When my children see the lawnmower coming out in summer, they throw themselves on the grass wailing “Noooo….. leave the daisies alone!!!” From the mouth of babes. 
Although it is not part of the material medica of the modern medical herbalist, Daisy has had a long history of medical use and has been the subject of recent interesting research, affirming its folk uses. Many of the chemical constituents present in the daisy have been the subject of research that indicates the source of many of the medical actions of plant. However, I recommend using herbs in their whole form because a natural synergy occurs and we reap the benefits of this, even if we can’t fully understand it. 
Having read from old herbal texts, recent research and folk stories I will...
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Growing up in a house with a football and hurling obsessed father where the smell of Deep Heat was a regular, almost comforting aroma, when I first came across the recipe I share below I thought “Now that will give Deep Heat a run for its money!” 

There is so much to say about Cayenne Pepper. It was one of the first of many surprises I got when I began to study herbal medicine. Not being a fan of spices in general, and having no knowledge of them other than in cooking foods that my palette couldn’t handle, Cayenne Pepper what one hell of an eye opener as to how food can be medicine and in the most powerful of ways! Cardiovascular health, Pain Relief, digestion and metabolism. The list goes on. 

The health benefits of Cayenne deserves a whole article to its self but for today, I just want to share a herbal remedies recipe using this wonderful plant that is so simple anyone came make it and benefit from it. Paint by numbers and...

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The indigenous peoples call it the First Medicine, it’s considered sacred in all the perennial wisdom traditions, being used as a Holy substance for blessing, healing and protection.  The medicinal use of it hails back to the times of Hippocrates, the Father of Modern medicine and has endured in many forms across cultures and through the ages.
Water – The most basic of human needs and rights. We, the privileged minority of humans who are lucky enough to have water delivered to our homes every day, tend to take this for granted. It is only when there are shortages, cut-offs, contamination and oh yes, water charges talked about that we begin to think about water and how essential it is for life as we know it. The use of water as a natural healing tool is something that most people aren’t conscious of and has lost its prominence with the advance of modern medicine. There are many ways to utilize this resource for our health on an ongoing basis as a...
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Botanical name: Crataegus oxyacantha
Family: Rosaceae
Parts used: leaves, flowers, berries
Properties: slightly cool/dry, cardiac trophorestorative, relaxing nervine, digestant, astringent, diuretic, antioxidant
Used for: heart related illness, cardiac weakness, stagnant digestion, regulation of blood pressure
Plant preparations: tea, tincture, vinegar, syrup, honey.
There is nothing that pleases me more than using native, abundant plants that are growing all around us and just waiting to restore health and balance to our bodies and minds. And this time of year is such a treat as “berry season” is in full swing.
Today I want to talk about our wonderful Hawthorn. Such a familiar presence in the Irish countryside, almost “common”, and also having a long medicinal history in the Eastern traditions and the American traditions. But what we often pass by is the incredible health food that it bears right...
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Working with people on both a physical and emotional healing level, there is one area that presents again and again as central to the healthy functioning of the individual. The Heart. On a physical level, when it stops functioning we die. On an emotional and energetic level, when its negatively impacted we disconnect and our relationship with those around us, the world a large and life itself can be hindered.

The Heart is always at the heart of the matter.
l recentIy wrote a piece on our abundant, native heart tonic Hawthorn – Crataegus. You can read about its benefits and how to use it here. I love to share when there are simple, local, abundant plants that nourish and strengthen our system on all levels, and it inevitably leads me to consider what other means can be used to tone and support us on a mind-body level.
As a natural healer, I’ve been trained to consider the emotion or energy that is connected to different organs in the body.
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Having worked therapeutically with people for many years, I have become all too familiar with the “revolving door” syndrome that can occur with people who struggle with mental health issues, particularly when prescription medication becomes the only solution on offer.
People tend to go up and down, in and out of that door until it gets to a point where the door is closed, locked and barricaded resulting in a life sentence of pills and more importantly a sense of disempowerment where people become victims of a choiceless situation.
Did you know that its estimated that 1 in 5 Irish people are on anti-depressant medication?
That is 20% of the population and does no include sleeping medications and anti-anxiety medication such as Xanax & Valium. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an advocate of extremism in any form be it natural or pharmaceutical and there is most certainly a valid place for prescription medication. However, these statistics...
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3 Biggest Barriers to Sustainable Natural Health

Many people these days are looking to live a healthier life. There are the younger millennials who have grown up with a health and fitness conscious media and advertising industry where “healthy living” is marketed to within an inch of its life. 
Then there are the mummies. Now that they have little ones to be caring for and well lets just say, their energy and waistline are not what it used to be, suddenly they become aware of not only their own health and wellbeing but of the weight of responsibility for their children to boot.  
Last but not least there are the middle-aged upward population whose vincibility inevitably presents itself and the focus becomes how can I grow older with the best health, energy and least debilitation and illness possible?
Regardless of where you fit into this picture, the desire and drive is there to live the healthiest life possible. So why is it that its so bloody hard to stick with the plan??? I...
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