Resourced & Resilient using Plant Medicine & Psychological Principles

There is much talk of resilience these days. The resilience of the children, what sectors of the economy are resilient in the face of Covid-19 and of course the need for resilience in the face of the mental health challenges that our current situation presents. 
So what exactly is resilience, how do we cultivate it and what do we need to be watching out for when it comes to keeping ourselves well resourced in the face of challenging times? 
The dictionary definition of resilience is - 
“ the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.”
So we're talking about the ability to bounce back, shoulder the burden, carry on carrying on.  Some of us naturally have more of this than others. Each person is unique in their strengths and areas of vulnerability. However what we do all have in common is the oppurtunity to build on, strengthen and expand our resources at any given time...
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I came across this blog post from my old site which was written about 3 years ago. Its a bit erie to say the least considering where we find ourselves now. I have left it unchanged as it still rings through and is like a bit of an echo chamber. Now more than ever we need to start taking charge of you health and wellbeing and not just be waiting till we get sick. 
DISCLAIMER: Herbs do not TREAT Covid-19 or any other illness. Herbal medicine supports the body in its natural processes to fight infection and come back to balance. 
Having been away over the Christmas period, arriving home to headlines about flu epidemics, contact from schools urging us to keep our children home if they had any symptoms of sickness and general stress and panic about the level of debilitating viral infection doing the rounds, lets...
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One of the fabulous benefits of having 9 months of pregnancy is that it gives us time to adjust and prepare for what is without a doubt one of the biggest transitions in life. The first trimester is often a time of wonder or maybe shock, excitement but with a mix of nerves, worry and anticipation of what's to come. 
Getting over that initial 12 week period for many is a huge relief, both from a safety perspective and physical comfort perspective. It often feels like your over a hump and able to get into your stride. Its a time to enjoy the life and the experience of carrying your baby. 
Most of us make a conscious effort to take good care of ourselves from the time we get pregnant until the baby is born. We are aware of the importance of good nutrition, gentle exercise and the minimising of stress and negativity. It can often be more challenging than one would think as knowing whats best and doing whats best are sometimes not that easy to align in reality!
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Before having children, I loved my sleep. I loved my space. More on point would be to say, my nervous system loved my sleep and loved my space. That is before my nervous system came across the cheese grater experience of being a mother to a newborn. Lets just say, before long, some nourishing nervines and soothing sedative herbs were called for!


No matter how many books you read, ante-natal classes you take or experts you engage, nothing can really prepare you for the arrival of your little one. Yes its the most incredible journey and of course we wouldn't change it but wouldn't it be nice if we were a little more prepared and made aware of the real challange's we may face and what we could do to possibly support our systems, rather than just  trying to survive? 


I worked for a number of years providing therapeutic support to new mothers. I met hundreds of mothers over them years with childern ranging in age from new born to toodlers and beyond....

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“The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed… If you would perfect your body, guard your mind. Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought…. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet…Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease…”                                         

  Allen, J. – “As A Man Thinketh”

The mind-body paradigm is nothing new. It has been the basis through the ages for understanding human beings in all of the perennial wisdom traditions. However with the birthing of conventional medicine and its mechanistic thinking, there was a severing of this innate link and the understanding of the dynamic relationship...
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